
1950年代の日本美術(神奈川県立近代美術館 葉山) Japanese Art of 1950s (The Museum of Modern Art, Hayama)

昨年、惜しまれつつ、美術館としての役割を終えた、神奈川県立近代美術館 鎌倉。







Kanagawa prefectural contemporary art museum Kamakura who finished his role as an art museum, being missed last year.

This museum was opened in 1951, shortly after the war, and it was always the destination of modern art until last year.

An exhibition that focused on the Japanese art of the 1950's, held at the Hayama Hall, which took over the role with the Kamakura annex.

In the 1950s, various artistic movements were born, like the reaction of artists who were crushed during the war, such as Amformel, Gutai, Experimental workshops.

Among the works of many writers such as Taro Okamoto, I remained the most impressed with 14 pieces of prints by Hamada Chimei, the first year soldierse series.

There are 15 items in total in this series print, but 14 of them are owned in this museum.

It is based on his own war experiences but rather than reproducing the experience it seemed like expressing the absurd world of war into a universal form while overlapping with the experience of one's own.

(Translated by Google Translate)

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